Friday, May 25, 2007

Paris Hilton turns Buddist; will it last long?

Believe it or not, Paris Hilton is trying to convince the judges that she has become a 'good girl' to avoid prison, she even turn Buddhist. She was spotted in the library Bodhi Tree in Hollywood while buying a Buddhist book. And a few days ago she bought a copy of the bible and a self-help book.

Hilton, 26-year-old heir apparently listened well to her lawyers, who asked her to live 'like a nun' if she wants to have any chance of avoiding imprisonment. Hilton told all her friends that she gave up alcohol and parties, then bought new clothes, throwing out her usual sexy ones. She even visited her father in hospital with a huge get well card. "Paris's lawyers" a friend of hers revealed "told her to radically change her life style, to stop behaving like a spoilt girl and to be more humble". "They ordered her" the source added "to show the judges that she can be humble and socially responsible, otherwise the sentence will never be reduced in appeal. That means no drinking, no catwalks, no parties. She must stay with her family and start living a more healthy life". Paris has to serve her sentence, for driving without licence, in the women's prison of Lynwood, California, from June 5.(View also cecilia bolocco)